Whitney Hart is an independent consultant and curator specializing in digital culture and emerging technology. She works with museums, artists, and collectors on projects spanning digital & post-digital art, blockchain, and AI.

Her clients have included Serpentine, the Musée d’Orsay, and the Allen Ginsberg Estate, among others. She is the co-host of WAC Weekly Season 3, an incubator for museum professionals experimenting with the expanded field of web3 technologies. She sits on the Advisory Board of the Blaffer Art Museum in Houston, Texas and is a member of the Friends of HEK DAO, a new model of decentralized museum participation pioneered by the Haus der Elektronischen Künste in Basel, Switzerland. She is the former interim Chief Marketing Officer of Trilitech, where she was responsible for advancing the Tezos brand and ecosystem.

Prior to her immersion in web3, Whitney was a serial web2 marketing entrepreneur and worked with global brands on technological adoption and adaptation. With 18 years of experience building successful companies, successful teams, and successful strategies, her work has been at the heart of contemporary culture. The way we communicate has changed dramatically in the last two decades, and the companies moderating that communication are re-writing the rules of societal interaction. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and more have implemented algorithms and evolved their business models - and with it, they have changed communications expectations and norms. Whitney has witnessed these changes first hand and worked with global corporations to implement new operating, team building, and communications strategies to meet the needs of their target audiences and these tech platforms. She has worked with governments, universities, non-profits, pharma, consumer package goods, and defense organizations. Her work has taken her across the world, from North America to Europe to the Middle East and Asia.

Whitney is also an art historian and has written the only focused analysis of Walter De Maria’s Fluxus and conceptual art practice via an analysis of fifty-one works on paper and ten sculptures created by De Maria between 1959 and 1962, which are held by The Menil Collection in Houston, Texas.

Whitney is a New York native currently living in Houston, Texas.

Recent Activities:


The artist explores the space between generative art and identity with Whitney Hart

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Onchain Accidents, a conversation between Jonas Lund & 0xDEAFBEEF moderated by Whitney Hart

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